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Butterfly Cameroon wishes you a happy Africa Day

Butterfly Cameroon wishes you a happy Africa Day. 25 May of each year commemorates the creation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) on 25 May 1960, which became the African Union in 2002.

The day is also an opportunity to take stock of the continent’s progress, and to assess new challenges in the light of Agenda 2063 for “a prosperous, peaceful and integrated Africa, governed by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force on the world stage.” At Butterfly Cameroon, we strive for sustainable development, social justice and the empowerment of local African communities.

Our actions are thus in line with Aspirations 1, 3, 6 of the AU Agenda 2063, respectively “A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development”, “An Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law” and “An Africa whose development is people-centered, that builds on the potential of its people, especially those of women and youth, that cares about the well-being of children.”

#ButterflyCameroon #Agenda2063 #AfricaDay #25May